Tuesday 26 July 2011

That Girl, The Busiest..

Print out : Offer letter - checked!
               Admission booklet - checked!
x-ray - checked!
admission fees - damn, belum lagi.
transcript - ok, borang da anta..
APT - what da hell is APT??

* APT refers to Arabic Placement Test. And it is COMPULSORY to every student.
ok, i'm doomed! how the hell am i supposed to sit for the test klu satu patah cakap arab pon tak tau. klu numbers je, i suppose i should be fine. but seriously, takkan la die nak tanya satu ape, due ape plak kan. ce realistic sket jia..huhu..

so jawapannya, taraaaaaaa!!

Semangat waja kan? hoho.. i even borrow my sister's books. buku tadika die pon ade. ah, lantak la. rite now, i just don't give a damn about feeling embarrased. i just dont wanna look like an idiot on that day. i only have a month left til the exam. and what's with those irritating white ants! store rumah aku kena ratah2 dgn anai2 ni sume. time2 nk puasa plak tuh. damn lagi boleh?

so, aku kena wat check list yang baru.
 * kemas store.
 * karate je almari tuh n buang terus.
 * spray ubat anai2 (shit, memeningkan manusia betul bau kejadah ni!)
 * kemas umah siap2 untuk raya, time puasa kang aku dah tak larat. (ok, sekarang aku rase sedih sebab duk umah due tingkat)
 * oh oh, aim naik level untuk It Girl! Hoyeeaahhh!! XD
 * and lastly, oh.. study arabic.. *gloomy face

ok folks, don't get me wrong. i honestly don't mind to learn arabic. But within a month?? Get real dude. Mana la aku mampu. I'm not a super genius kiddo, mind you. Takpe takpe.. habis je sume ni, i'll surely reward myself. Shopping? XD
            Hence, my busiest regime starts now!